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Lisa Wollney - Lincoln Center Tribute
Michelle Hite - Lincoln Center Tribute
Lori Fennell - Lincoln Center Tribute




Lisa Wollney - Lincoln Center Tribute

After the Tribute, the four of us headed to the Tavern on the Green restaurant. For some reason, Lori and I got separated from Joan and Brooke. Lori and I just let the "Al energy" pull us toward him and there we were, standing next to his table. I have to admit that Lori was the courage of this little adventure, because I don't think I would have had the guts to walk up to him all on my own. After Lori spoke to Al, she turned around to walk away, so I handed her my wine glass. Good thing I did, because I could just see me spilling a whole glass of red wine all of Al! (That would have been a BAD thing!!)

  I stood next to him for a moment while he was sitting talking to Michael Mann. Michael noticed that I was standing there waiting and got Al's attention towards me. Al stood up to talk to me! I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, wished him a happy birthday, and get this guys, I told him that I loved him!!! (I still can't believe that I did that!!) He hugged back and said something very nice, but I don't remember exactly what. I think he said something like you're wonderful, that's sweet, or something like that. It all happened so fast that it's hard to keep you're head on straight.

  Here's a funny thing that I can't really explain. When I was in California and got Al to pose in the picture with me, of all the details that I remember the most, I remember what Al's suit jacket felt like. Well, same thing this time!! His jacket felt very soft, like it might have been cashmere. What a strange thing to remember, huh?

Then an elderly gentlemen came up to Al and made a comment about a funny thing Al did at the tribute, which lead to another little conversation that I was able to have with him. Of course, I would have liked to monopolize Al for the rest of the night, but   that was that. I also took several pictures, but most of them turned out just like the ones Lori posted. I got a few of Al accepting his award on stage and another of Al arriving at the front door before the tribute.

All in all, this was a wonderful experience. One that I will not ever forget. Oh, one thing I'm not sure if anyone mentioned, but a guy that Joan's daughter met mentioned that Al IS doing the Oedipus play on Broadway. We're not sure about the timing, but just knowing that it's in the works gives us fuel for saving for that trip as now!





Michelle Hite: Al Pacino Lincoln Center Tribute

All photos and text are courtesy of Michelle Hite and may not be reproduced without her permission.

"A-List," or "Al-List," by any name, This Gang Rocks New York City
by Michelle Hite

(New York) — Al-list members (Chrystyne of NY; Joan and daughter Brooke of Chicago; Lori of Ca; Lisa of Chicago; Michelle –headlights- of Miami, Michelle of Va.; and Suzanne of Boston) took several bites out of the Big Apple in a recent jaunt to New York to "take in" THE MAN and offer personal birthday wishes to Al Pacino, who turned 60 on April 25.

The Academy Award Winning actor was honored at a birthday gala and tribute at the Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall — sponsored by Donna Karan and the Film Society of the Lincoln Center.

The fresh-faced Al-list gang were also in New York to attend a screening of Pacino’s, yet-to-be-released, work-in-progress, The Local Stigmatic.

The Al-listers arrived Tuesday night at the Lincoln Center in grand style — via a white-chariot, stretch limo. The listers took a "giddy delight" in spoofing the already huge crowd of Al fans, clamoring their way to the front Lincoln Center doors, noses pressed firmly against the glass-entrance lobby. The mob of fans, let out a sigh of disappointment after realizing the limo contained 10 "fresh-faces" to NY. The crowd's mood changed to one of comraderie after the Al-listers began laughing, and joking and taking photos of their "glitzed-up" selves.

The Al-listers were a handsome entourage — a perfect 10 — well there were 10 of them! The uniform — black and glitzy — from silk to black velvet — their own Al-list fashion show. The only rebel who altered from black attire was Joan, who elegantly sported a deep, red, spaghetti strapped evening gown, covered for outside photo ops, in a black velvet cape. Joan’s daughter Brooke wore a bedazzling gown, and also sported black as a cover – shoulder-to-toe, black leather jacket that is, complete with black feather boa. In the "when you got if flaunt it category," Chrystyne nearly froze on the chilly NY evening, but she looked Better Than Fashion-Modelish in a little black number complete with lacy shawl, and layers of silky whimsy, stopping at the knee and showing lots of leg! Chrystyne you should be a model, girl! And speaking of leg, Suzanne and Michelle(headlights) both sported little-black-numbers with lots of leg. Hubby and fiancée were hanging on these girls arms for dear-life, both very proud to be on their beautiful gals’ respective arms. Lisa also "donned" a black cape, which covered a beautiful black number with floral accents surrounded the edges of the back-less daring and beautiful number. Lori was all glitz and glamour in a floor-length black, sequined number and Michelle(Va) was also rebel in non-gown, attire — a black velvet jacket and black silk "pants" – but that’s another, ahem, "Rip-roaring" story.

The star-studded Avery Fisher Hall dais included Alec Baldwin, Kevin Spacey, Chris O’Donnell, Diane Venora and a host of celebrated directors, who have worked with Pacino during the past 30 years. As the God’s were smiling, the Al-listers were seated, stage-right on the fifth row — perfect viewing for each speaker who came to the gold, silver and black podium. All eyes — well thankfully not the Lincoln Center security eyes — were ravaging the fifth row attendees, who whipped out the cameras, almost in protest to the " Hall Rules." Their camera flashes blended in perfectly, in unison, (hankfully, i.e. no camera confiscations!), with the estimated 50 to 75 photo-journalists and TV camera men’s lights and paparazzi flashes bringing illumination to the Avery Fisher Hall stage.

Highlights of the gala included seeing clips from Al Pacino movies on the BIG SCREEN, some attendees for the first time, others after a long, agonizing wait for the second time. Diane Venora brought the house to tears telling Al, "Your mother would be so proud of you."

Kevin Spacey brought the house down to belly-laughter with a dead-on voice and body movement impression of Al’s Shakespeare expertise from his 1996, directorial debut - Looking for Richard. Spacey "told one" on his pal, Al, sharing with the attendees a time when Al (in Europe) tried desperately to get a visiting class of students to talk to him about a Shakespeare scene, only after numerous attempts finding out from a tour guide that the class did not speak English! Not missing a beat, Al dead-panned in perfect comedic timing, "How much film did we waste here, let’s go."

The big screen for the gala tribute exploded with seven film montages from Pacino’s 30 years of work, including eight Academy Award nominations and his Oscar for Scent of a Woman.

The highlight of the event, shook the hall to its rafters. When the Bronx-bomber Pacino took the stage, clapping and screams shook Avery Fisher Hall to its core. Pacino did the usual "thank-yous" and blushes and stroked his long, sculpted fingers through some long, sexy locks – enough times for this reporter to ….. ahem…… notice. His speech grew into a swell of anticipation, even though he kept timing himself, saying he wouldn’t go on and on….. yet the crowd "hoped."

He did an "air-drum" impression of the late, great percussionist Buddy Rich, which went on for a delicious infinity. Pacino ended the air-drum session, quoting Rich… "He who persists in his folly may one day be wise……." (after the most perfectly set-up pause) he continued……… "I live in hope….. Thank you and God bless you all."

Yea right, Al…. like YOU have to hope for wisdom and perfection. YOU ARE THERE, man.

Al-list member, and reporter-at-large
Michelle Hite

It was such a whirlwind, it's hard to know where to start..... First!!! A big "public thank you" to Chrystyne. She was our own personal "Insider" for the trip! She pointed out the tourist traps and helped us find our way around!! Thank you woman!!!!!

And, another public thank you to Joan, who did most of the trip planning, and coordinating! Thank you oh Ticket Master, limo-getter, hotel-booker... yadda yadda yadda!!! We all appreciate ALL that you did Joan!!! Thanks!

And, THANK YOU SUSAN!!!! We all would not have met without your list! I'm so glad we all got to meet you... wish you could have stayed for lunch! But, I'm glad you joined us for Local Stigmatic!

Even though we weren't supposed to take any photos inside the Lincoln Center... I DID!!!! WHOOO AHH!!!! The stage was full of tv cameras and photo journalists...... and we were so close to the stage that I thought my camera's "flash" would just blend in with the others! HA! Can't wait to see how they turn out!

I guess, I can't add any "news" to what the other NY trip folks have already posted, all I can add is my "personal" feelings - and it was worth EVERY DIME! I would definitely do it again. I drove 413 miles from my house to the Marriott Marquis, and YES I DID get lost, but I made it!!!!! Got lost on the way home, too..... but it was worth it!!! I would have paid double the money just to hear Al's little 5-minute speech at the end. He was so touched throughout the whole evening, and it really showed in his speech. He was fabulous. Spacey was hysterical. And "thanks to Joan," our little contingency was actually setting close enough the the "reserved" balcony that we could actually hear Al's reactions when directors and actors said, "Happy Birthday" and other personal comments. I nearly got a crook in my neck from looking left at Al so much!!! When I first heard him say something back to one of the directors..... WOW!!!!!! Several times heard him say "thanks" or "yea man," in that sexy, raspy voice....... He was constantly on the edge of his chair watching the direcrtors "struggle" for the right words..... and he waved at and thanked each person who spoke...... When Diane Venora (HEAT/Insider) spoke, he was on the edge of his seat. And she closed her speech with "Your mother would be so proud of you." Al was very touched by that!

I cannot get over how close we were to the stage...... we literally could see the sparkle in Al's eyes when he took the stage. I'm sure I'm forgetting as much as I'm writing here. I am sorry this is so long....... but it feels so great to share with other Al fans!!! My "friends" that I hang out with ... just don't "get Al." So, you guys save my sanity over and over!!!!

Well..... I know the others who went to NY (if they are still reading at this point) are wondering just how much truth I'm willing to share!!! HA!

So!!!!! Here goes....... while Lisa and Lori and Joan and Brooke were off galavanting to the Tavern on the Green to give Al a birthday kiss........ good ol Michelle...... (that's me) was FLASHING NEW YORK CITY!!!! HA! Just kidding........ but, I must share my most embarrasing moment of the trip...... believe me .... there were many!! But, this one takes the cake........ After stressing and fretting for WEEKS over what to wear to the Gala.... I decided on my black velvet jacket with black silk pants...... fru fru enough to fit in with the long evening dresses, yet still comfortable..... WELL! Lisa and Suzanne and I were setting across an aisle from the other girls and a lady behind us asked Lisa and I to switch seats...... I being VERY tall.... was blocking the view of her daughter...... so we obliged..... being the NICE Al fans that we are...... (the lady instantly new we were from "out of town!" because we were so "nice" in her words! HA!)

But, I digress........ yes, Michelle.... get to the "flashing!" Here we are enjoying all these celebrities and directors that Al has worked with for 30 years....... at one point, in between speeches... the lady behind me kicks my chair...... she was apologetic.... but it startled me so much that I moved to the right very quickly...... and Oh God! What did I do..... I RIPPED MY PANTS on the arm of the theater chair!!! HA! OK...... so it's really, really dark in there .... so I don't Panic!!! YET!

Once everything is over..... and the lights come up and we all stand to cheer for Al..... I feel this COOL BREEZE!!! It was very cold in the Lincoln Center! HA! I feel for my pocket and realize that my pants are ripped (down the seam) THANK GOD.. down the seam...... but from the pocket to mid thigh!! HA! I could have DIED!!!!!

But, I grab the pants on the side..... so no one notices..... Here I am trying to hold my pants together..... carry by camera and my purse and my programs....... (Yes, I stole more than one!) HA! And, of course.... I didnt' wear a coat!! HA!

So...... here I am in the dilemma of dilemmas........ I know Lisa and Lori and Joan are leaving for the dinner, and Suzanne and Chrystynne and the other Michelle and the girls' fellas had decided that we'd all go out for dinner ourselves......... Mind you now.... I've just "met" these folks hours before..... even though we'd been talking on the list for ages...... but...... with Suzanne and Michelle having hubby and boyfriend there...... I'm thinking...... OH GOD!!!!! These guys are going to think I'm a COMPLETE IDIOT!!!! No questions asked...... I D I O T !!! HA!

So, I summon up the courage and tell Chrystyne my delimma!!! And, she is so nice!!!! Course, we're going down the escalator and see a HUGE pile of the Film Comment magazines..... and decide to be greedy...... I can't take my hand off my pants...... for fear of getting arrested for FLASHING all the prim and proper Lincoln Center/theater attendees! HA! So, Chrystyne hands me a couple of copies in my other hand, which is already so full! HA! It was straight out of a Laurel and Hardy comedy!!!! ...... Only, I was feeling it more like a TRAGEDY than a comedy!!!! HA!!!

So, I just keep the sense of humor..... and summon ALL my courage to tell everyone what's going on........ kind of throwing it out there like........ "Well, guys ..... do you mind if we go back to the hotel.... so I can change my PANTS before I FLASH NYC!!??!??" then I explain it all.......

HA! Everyone was so nice.... and we all got a good laugh....... and I only flashed a few folks in Time Square when I got out of the cab!!! HA! ..... that is once we FINALLY hailed a cab!!! We were all dressed for a little warmer weather than what we had...... so I was definitely feeling some COOL BREEZES!!!

But, hey I SURVIVED!!! Suzanne's hubby and Michelle "headlights" fianceé were both so nice!!! I nearly died admitting my "problem!" But, we all got a good laugh out of my "flashing" comments! HA!

So........ between my getting lost driving fiasco....... and flashing NYC dilemma...... I had an INTERESTING time in NY!!!!

But, I know I must close......... sorry for the length here.......... our best times were setting and talking and getting to know each other ...... and especially the HONOR of seeing Local Stigmatic....... It is amazing.... if anyone on the list EVER has a chance to see it GO!!!!!! It's wonderful.........

So.......I definitley count myself as a BRAVER person since my trip!! Before last week, I don't think I could have EVER admitted to a list of 200+ folks that I "ripped my pants" at an Al event!!! HA!!!

mind you...... ........ I've been known to "rip them off" at an Aerosmith concert......... but at the Lincoln Center!!! HA! How gaush -- daaaahhrling!!!!

THANK YOU everyone for listening!!!!!! Michelle from Va .......... WHO DROVE IN NYC - twice!!!!!!! and lived to tell about it!!!!!

Lori Fennell - Lincoln Center Tribute

It has been a busy few days since I came back from New York City, but the whole experience has not been far from my mind. Little did I know how much my life would change simply by renting "Frankie & Johnny" and "Sea of Love" on video one rainy weekend 2 years ago. I've been a woman possessed ever since. Al, Al, Al...what a great man & actor he is!

So as requested here is my detailed version of the Pacino Gala and the "Local Stigmatic" . These are just my own personal thoughts and opinions of the events what happened to me. I think everyone's stories and feelings may be a little different.

First let me say, that this trip was PERFECT in every way. I had the best time and nothing could have made it better. I loved meeting everyone, and I came to the conclusion Al has the greatest fans. It was also a blast to be around people who knew Al's work, and who didn't look at me like I was crazy when I said "I love Al Pacino" , because they all did too!!!!

I flew into New York from San Francisco about 1030pm Monday evening. As we were landing I could see the city lights below. It was a beautiful and thrilling site. My excitement level was rising and I was really happy I didn't have any airline or luggage problems. It was a long flight.

I took a taxi to the hotel (the Marriott Marquis). It was a beautiful hotel right in the center of Manhattan at Times Square. I was on the 41st floor and had a gorgeous view of the city. I can see why Al loves this city so much.

On Tuesday all 10 of us met in one of the rooms and had a champagne toast along with chocolate covered strawberries before the Gala. It was so fun to finally put faces and voices to each other after all this time on the lists. We then climbed in a beautiful white stretch limousine and were off to the Lincoln Center (which was a lovely place) for the Tribute. There was a giant banner displayed in front of the center that said Al Pacino. There was a sea of media and television cameras set up outside. We went inside and milled around and watched other celebrities arrive. You always knew when "somebody" arrived because the cameras started going off and TV camera lights came on.

I was watching the red carpet area from a big windowed area inside the Lincoln Center. I was standing in front of a handicapped entrance door. I remember seeing Chris O'Donnell arrive, followed by Alec Baldwin, Diane Venora. They all stopped at various places along the red carpet to be interviewed by media. After a few minutes I knew Al must have arrived because the media was in a frenzy and every camera was going off. I saw Al pass by with Beverly DeAngelo, Julie, Anna Strasberg. Al was smiling, waving , shaking hands.

At that moment I thought I would step outside the handicap door to take some pictures of Al not through the glass. As I stepped out onto the red carpet the door closed behind me and somehow the police that were following Al must have thought I was with Al's party and pushed me closer to him and Beverly. I turned and saw the police were actually protecting and barricading the media from ME also. Believe me I was freaking out. One officer actually said to me to "stay close to Al and the group"!! LOL! When Al & Bev stopped to talk to the media, I stopped too. It was so weird. There is Al, Beverly, Julie and ME! I wish I had told someone to tape ET or the E! channel...I'm sure I would have been seen. LOL! It was really surreal. I did take some pictures while I was standing that close to the *family*. As we all walked through the entrance, all my fellow Pacino buds were like..."how the hell did Lori get out there with Al???" LOL! Believe me it wasn't something planned but it just happened. It was one of those "Lucy Ricardo" moments.... haha... and there is something about throwing Pacino in my reality and strange things happen to me. LOL!!!! It's all in the stars and my destiny I think.

Once inside the Gala we were thrilled to find we had the most fantastic seats, and this was a very big hall with something like 2300 seats available. We were in row 5 in front of the podium on the left hand side. There was a special boxed area on the first tier where Al sat with his family, friends, speakers. We had a clear view of him at all times. Before Al came in, they let the media in on the stage. The stage was full of photographers and TV crews. When Al came in there was a standing ovation and media was taking pictures like crazy.

Al looked gorgeous. His hair was long and he had that outstanding goatee, that I personally love so much. Al smiled and waved and was very gracious. It was really a very intense moment, and I felt so much electricity in the air.

The tribute itself ran almost about 3 hours, and I thought it was wonderfully done. I may not remember everything in order, but I will highlight the things I enjoyed the most. I think what I loved the most was all the film clips they showed from Al's career. They had a big movie screen on the stage next to the podium. It was a real treat for me to see some of Al's performances on a big screen. Most of them I have only seen on video.

I think they opened with a montage film clip of all his films. Then the Chairman of the Film Society of Lincoln Center spoke, followed by Anna Strasberg (Lee Strasberg's widow) who was the first to speak about Al in a more personal manner, but she assured Al she wouldn't give away any of his secrets. There was a real affection demonstrated between them I thought. I think the opening montage had many clips of Al "dancing" (and you all know how Al loves to dance around in his movies)

They then showed film clips from "The Panic in Needle Park" and "Serpico". I loved the scenes they picked to show. In Panic, Al was so adorable at 28 or so, and in Serpico so intense. It was incredible watching that intensity explode on the big screen. WOW!

I think the director Jerry Schatzberg of "Panic in Needle Park" and "Scarecrow" spoke next. I remember him saying something about people beginning to notice "this new kid (Al) on Broadway"... movie stardom was soon to follow.

They then had clips from Scarface, Dog Day Afternoon and ..and Justice for All. Once again they picked great scenes to show. I can't remember for sure but I think Chris O'Donnell spoke after Schatzberg. Maybe Marty Bregman (his friend and long time producer). They then came to "The Godfather" section and show clips from part 1-2 and 3. They showed scenes with John Cazale (who Al commented on in his speech), Diane Keaton, Robert Duvall. I think it was in Diane Venora's speech she said something like "The Soprano's couldn't tie your shoes" to Al. Everyone laughed. Everyone knows who greastest "Don" of all time is! huh???

Somewhere in there Sidney Lumet (director of Serpico and Dog Day Afternoon) came and spoke about Al and his films. He talked about why Dog Day Afternoon and Serpico didn't need a musical score. When watching Al you didn't need music to direct your emotions. Al's face and eyes will do it for you. (How true!)

I really don't remember who came next. Maybe Alec Baldwin, who talked about watching Al as a kid and "wanting to grow up and be him". Al was one of the reasons he went into acting. They showed clips from Sea of Love ( I was a bit surprised they showed the up-against-the-wall love scene from Sea of Love, but hell I didn't object. YUM!! They had clips from Two Bits, Glengarry Glen Ross, Scent of a Woman, Looking for Richard, Dick Tracy, Donnie Brasco, and The Insider. I wished they had showed more from Carlito's Way or Bobby Deerfield, but I was happy with what they did show.

Kevin Spacey came out and gave the best and funniest speech. He told a great story about Al when they were in London filming "Looking for Richard". Kevin Spacey also gave a great impersonation of Al. He really does a fantastic Pacino! Everyone loved his speech. Too funny! and it looked like Al liked it too. I think Diana Venora (who starred with Al in Heat and Insider) came out and spoke at this point. She said Al was too young for this kind of award and that his mother would be so proud of him. Michael Mann who directed both Heat and Insider spoke too.

They had this wonderful closing montage and then Al came out and was presented with the award. The house went wild with applause. Al looked so happy, comfortable. He was very animated and funny. Very humble. He spoke about 10 minutes and mentioned the important people in his life and career. This was his final comment and I quote Al:

"It's something-when you keep at a thing. He who persists in his folly may one day be wise. So I live in hope. I love you all!"

He blew everyone a kiss and left the stage. It was a great and terrific evening.

I think after the Gala Tribute was over, we all stood there stunned. I know I did. It was hard to believe I just got to watch the "Best of Al Pacino" *WITH* Al Pacino. At one point I also had to shake my head to actually comprehend I was also watching Kevin Spacey in person, who I just saw win the Oscar less then a month before at the Academy Awards. What a trip!

After the tribute, our little group split up. Four of us took a taxi to the dinner portion of the tribute. Lisa and I managed to upgrade out gala tickets (after a *hefty* donation to the NY Film Society) which included the dinner at the Tavern on the Green. Joan and her daughter Brooke already had passes into the dinner. I told my husband to just disregard that $750.00 charge on my credit card. LOL!!! It was a tax-deduction and I'd take care of it :) So lets just say I was quite *motivated* to make my evening worthwhile. And boy was it!!

The Tavern on the Green was a beautiful fairyland sort of place. Millions of tiny little lights on the trees outside and lots of crystal, glass and mirrors everywhere. Al's party was in a more private area for dinner but we were able to wander around. The food was fantastic looking, although I was to high strung to eat anything yet. There was an open bar and the spirits were following. I had white wine.

Lisa and I were wandering around at which point I noticed the roped off area where Al was sitting was down, so we casually went in and mingled. On the outside we both looked liked we belonged there, but you sure wouldn't have wanted to take my pulse then. My heart was beating so fast! I could barely breath. It was wild to be in that environment with all those celebrities, and "our Al" just looked so radiant. He was talking to people and he was being very attentive to Julie who was sitting beside him. You could just tell he was a very loving father. Beverly seemed very attentive to Julie's needs too. I also thought Bev looked great and had a beautiful dress on.

After dinner I noticed a few people approaching Al, so I decided to go up and wish him a "Happy Birthday" too. My Al bravado was escalating and the opportunity just presented itself. I extended my right hand to him and he took it. I kissed him on the cheek and said "Happy Birthday". He smiled and said "Thank you" and I turned and walked away...or "I tried to walk away"... sounds like a line in Devil's Advocate!! heehee! Anyway I tried to remain very lady-like but I wanted to fucking scream!! Al was very nice and gracious. I know Lisa then went up to Al, but I was still in a daze and don't remember her part of it as much. I don't remember Lou, his bodyguard being around at that point. Poor Joan got to encounter Lou later and Lou wasn't too nice.

I didn't want to take too many pictures in the restaurant because it didn't seem appropriate, but I did take a few pictures discreetly of Al, Kevin Spacey, Christopher Watkins, Michael Mann. I did shake Michael Mann's hand and told him how much I enjoyed "The Insider".

I will admit I never left the room till Al and Beverly departed about 1-2 hours later. When Al left I must confess I finally relaxed a bit. We hit the bar and the dessert table.... major YUM!!! The rich sure do live well! Joan, Lisa, Brooke and I had the best time laughing about the night's events. It was the most fantastic evening. Incredible, really. It was so great to SO close to Al, while I STILL have such a "epic crush" on him.

**Notice Al's ice tea glass in the picture?? Do you know WHERE that glass is right now?? Yup, sitting UNWASHED in my china cabinet!!! LOL!!! On the advice of my "conciglieri", let me just say, the glass was Al's, the tea (sweet, spiced) was great and a Pacino national treasure now resides in California. LOL!!

I think it was about 2:30 in the morning when we finally took a cab back to the hotel totally exhausted and very satisfied. The evening was well worth the money I spent on it. We were some wild and crazy women in New York City!!!! and it was SO wonderful for us all from the list to finally meet. Al has the nicest fans.

Joan brought all the birthday cards to CHAL (Al's office). He will get to see them personally.


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